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Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre formerly known as Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay is India's premier nuclear research facility, headquartered in Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
BARC has active...
ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
The Coconut Research Station at Kasaragod in Kerala was initially established in 1916 by the then Government of Madras and subsequently it was taken over by the Indian Central Coconut Committee in...
Central Potato Research Institute
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) was established during August 1949 at Patna (Bihar, India) on the recommendation of the Agricultural Advisor to...
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
(04/08/2021- Excerpt from Institution Website)
The Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB) is a premier research organization in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre...
Central Leprocy Teaching and Research Institute
A picturesque complex located on a sprawling 550 acre estate about 60 km from Chennai, the Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute stands as an elegant testimony to the inexorable fight...
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
In India, mechanical engineering technology has accounted for nearly half of the total technology imported. In terms of products, nearly one third of the value of total imports is for mechanical...
Central Institute for Cotton Research
The Central Institute for Cotton Research, with campuses in Nagpur in Maharashtra state and Sirsa in Haryana state, is a central research institute established by the Indian Council of Agricultural...
Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes
The Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) was established in the year 1985 and started functioning from 1 February, 1985. A sub-campus was later added in December,1987 at Bir Dosanjh...
Central Institute for Research on Cattle
The ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cattle (ICAR-CIRC), in Meerut Cantt., is an institute operating under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Agricultural Research &...
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
The CSIR-CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF MINING AND FUEL RESEARCH (CIMFR) DHANBAD, a constituent laboratory under the aegis of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, aims to provide R&D...
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Research Area
Research Topics
- academic
- accessibility
- access to information
- accountability
- accounting
- Accounting and Control
- accounting and finance
- acts
- Actuarial Studies
- adaptation
- administration
- Advanced ceramics and composites
- Advanced electronics
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Advanced sciences
- advanced technology
- advertising
- advisory
- advocacy
- Advocacy & Communications
- aerospace
- aerospace and mechatronic engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- aftermarket
- aged/elderly
- ageing
- agement
- agribusiness
- Agricultural
- Agricultural and wine sciences
- agricultural economics
- Agricultural Engineering and Technology
- agricultural machinery
- agricultural science
- Agricultural sciences
- agricultural systems
- Agriculture
- agro-processing and technology
- Air
- Airborne geophysics
- air pollution
- air quality
- airr
- alcohol
- allied fiber crops
- Allied Health
- allied health sciences
- aluminium
- anaesthesiology & pain medicine
- Analytical Sciences
- Analytics
- anatomy
- Ancient History Culture
- and business administration
- and Evaluation
- Animal
- Animal and Veterinary Sciences
- Animal Behaviour
- animal health
- animal husbandry
- animal research
- animals
- Animals and Agriculture
- Antarctic and Environment
- Anthropology
- Applied Econometrics
- applied economics
- applied mathematics
- Applied Mechanics
- applied microeconomics
- applied phycology and biotechnology
- Applied Physics
- applied science
- applied sciences
- aquatic & terrestrial organisms
- arabic
- archaeology
- Architectural engineering
- architecture
- Architecture and Building
- Architecture and Planning
- arecanut
- aromatic plants
- art
- Art & Design
- Art & Performing Art
- artificial intelligence
- arts
- Arts & humanities
- Arts & Media
- Arts and culture
- Arts and Humanities
- Asia
- Asia-Pacific security
- asset management
- astronomy
- astrophysics
- asylum seekers
- atmospheres
- atmospheric science
- atmospheric sciences
- atomic
- atomic and molecular physics
- atomic energy
- Audiology and speech pathology
- augmented reality
- Australia-India relations
- Australian defence
- automation
- automative technologies
- Automobile Engineering
- Automotive
- automotive engineering
- Automotive fuels
- Aviation
- Aviation Biological
- Awareness Building
- Ayurveda
- Bacteriology
- Baking & Confectionery Technologies
- banking
- Basic Medical Sciences
- Basic Science & Humanities
- basic sciences
- Behavior and Human Resource
- behavioural economics
- Behavioural Science
- behavioural sciences
- bills
- Bio-Engineering & Bio Technology
- Bio-Fuels
- Bio-Processing
- bio-products
- Bio-statistics
- Bioavailability
- bioceramics and coating
- biochemical
- biochemistry
- biodiversity
- bio engineering
- Bioengineering
- Bio Fuels
- biofuels
- bioinformatics
- Biological and Medical Sciences
- biological engineering
- Biological Oceanography
- biological science
- biological sciences
- biology
- biomedical engineering
- biomedical research
- biomedical science
- Biomedical sciences
- Biomedical Sciences and Technology
- Biomedical Signal Image
- Biomedicine
- Biomolecular Science
- Biomolecular Sciences
- bio pharmaceutical
- biophysics
- Bio Remediation
- Bioscience
- bioscience engineering
- Biosciences
- bio sciences and technology
- biosecurity
- Biosphere
- biostatistics
- biotechnology
- bio technology
- Biotechnology and Medical Engineering
- Biotechnology Division
- blockchain
- Blood Transfusion
- Blue Economy & Climate Change
- Boats
- border management
- botany
- breeding
- bridge engineering and structures
- budget
- buffalo
- building
- Building healthy communities
- building materials
- Building services
- built environment
- Bushfire Response
- business
- Business & Economics
- business administration
- Business and Finance
- business and management
- Business and Policy
- Business Law
- Business Management
- business partnerships
- campaigns
- Cancer Biology
- capacity building
- Carbon black technology
- carbon fibre
- Cardiac Anesthesia
- cardiology
- Cardiorespiratory Physiology
- cardiothoracic & vascular surgery (ctvs)
- Cardiovascular
- Care
- cartography
- catchments
- cattle
- cell biology
- cell delivery technology
- cement
- Ceramic Engineering
- chemical
- Chemical and biochemical engineering
- Chemical and Material Sciences
- Chemical Ecology
- chemical engineering
- Chemical Engineering & Technology
- Chemical Engineering and Technology
- chemical neuroscience
- Chemical Oceanography
- chemicals
- chemical science
- chemical sciences
- Chemistry
- chemistry & chemicals
- chemistry and physical sciences
- Chemotherapy
- childcare
- child health
- Child labour
- child protection
- Children
- Children and youth
- children health
- child rights
- China
- Chinese Social Policy
- Christian theology
- Chronic Diseases
- circular economy
- cities and settlement
- citizen & government partnerships
- Citizen-oriented policing
- Citizen Engagement
- Citizen Leadership and Community Resilience
- Civil
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- civil engineering
- civil society
- clean energy
- Climate
- Climate Action
- climate adaptation
- Climate Change
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Clinical Chemistry
- Clinical Immunology
- Clinical medicine
- Clinical Parasitology
- Clinical Pathology
- Clinical Psychology
- clinical research
- clinical status
- Clinical teaching
- clinical trials
- Coagulation
- Coal
- coal mining
- coastal erosion
- Coastal Systems
- Coastal Zone Management
- cocoa
- coconut
- Cognition
- cognitive science
- cold arid agro-animal technologies
- Cold Chain Development
- commerce
- Commerce & Business Studies
- Commerce Data
- commodity
- commodity trading
- communicable diseases
- communication
- Communication Design
- Communication Engineering
- Communications
- communication skills
- Communication Systems
- communities
- Communities Measures
- community
- community building
- community development
- community health
- Community Medicine
- community service
- composite fibre materials
- Composition
- Computational biology
- computer and data sciences
- computer application
- Computer Applications
- Computer Engineering
- computer infrastructure
- computer science
- Computer Science and Engineering
- computer studies
- computing
- conflict & disaster relief
- Conflict Areas
- Conflict Resolution
- Consciousness Studies
- conservation
- construction
- Construction Engineering & Management
- consultancy
- consulting
- consumer and business
- Consumer durables.
- contraceptive care
- Controlled source seismics
- control of infectious and chronic diseases
- corporate governance
- corporate law
- corporate social responsibility
- Corrosion Science and Engineering
- cosmeceuticals
- Costal Environmental Engineering
- cost of violence
- costume design and fashion
- cotton
- Counselling
- counterterrorism
- COVID-19
- COVID-19's impact
- craft sustainability
- creative and performing arts
- creative arts
- Creative arts and music therapy
- creative industries
- Creative Writing
- credit
- credit unions
- criminal justice
- criminology
- crisis intervention
- Critical Care Medicine
- crop improvement
- crop production
- crop protection
- crops
- cross-cultural psychology
- culinary arts
- cultural economics
- cultural studies
- culture
- Culture and communication
- customs and emergency management
- Cyber and Space
- cyber laws forensics
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Cybersecurity
- Cyber Security and the Law
- cytotaxonomy
- dalits and tribals
- Dance
- data
- Data and analytics
- Database management
- data management & analysis
- data science
- decentralisation
- decentralized technologies
- Decision Sciences
- Deep Sea Technology
- Deep Space
- defence
- Defence Politics
- defence services
- Defence Strategy
- Defennce
- democracy
- Democratic Rights
- dental
- dental sciences
- dentistry
- dentistry & oral health
- Dentistry and Oral Health
- dermatology
- design
- Development
- Developmental Issues
- development biology
- Development Economics
- development monitoring and evaluation
- Development Partnerships
- Development Studies
- diagnostics
- diary
- diaspora
- dietetics
- digital access
- digital and emerging technology
- digital empowerment
- digital environment
- Digital Futures
- Digital Health
- digital humanities
- Digital Transformation
- diplomacy
- disability
- disability rights
- Disadvantage and Wellbeing in the Asia-Pacific
- Disaster Epidemiology
- Disaster Management
- disaster mitigation
- Disaster Preparation
- Disaster Relief
- disaster research
- disaster risk reduction
- discrimination
- disease
- disease causation
- disease process
- diseases
- Dissemination
- Distillate and Heavy Oil Processing
- diversity
- Diversity and Secularism
- Divinity
- Documentation
- Domestic Politics
- domestic violence
- donkeys
- Drought Response
- drug addiction
- Drug Discovery and development
- drug policy
- drugs
- e-health
- E-Learning
- early
- Early Childhood Development
- Earth
- Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Earth and Environment
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Earth and Environmental Sciences Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering
- earth and planetary sciences
- Earth Observation
- earthquake engineering
- earth sciences
- econometrics and analytics
- economic
- Economically weak
- economic analysis and modelling
- economic development
- Economic Empowerment
- economic growth
- Economic Issues
- economics
- economics of the household
- Economic Studies
- Economy
- ecosystems
- Ecotechnology
- education
- Educational Initiatives
- educational studies
- educational technology
- Education and Child Development
- Education and Teaching
- education services
- election studies
- electoral and political reforms
- electoral policies
- Electrical
- Electrical and Computational Sciences
- Electrical and electronic engineering
- Electrical and Electronics
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- electrical engineering
- electrical engineering & electronics
- electrical sciences
- electric vehicles
- Electrochemical Materials Science
- Electrochemical Pollution Control
- Electrochemical Power Sources
- Electrochemicals
- Electrochemical Science and Technology
- electrochemistry
- Electrodics and Electrocatalysis
- Electrometallurgy
- Electronic & Communication Engineering
- electronics
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- electronics and communications engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Electroplating & Industrial Metal Finishing
- elementary
- Emergencies
- emergency medicine
- Emergency Response
- empirical analysis
- Employment
- endocrinology
- Energy
- energy and environment
- Energy and Fresh Water
- energy and power systems
- Energy efficiency
- energy generation
- energy materials
- energy materials and devices
- energy technology
- engineering
- Engineering & science
- engineering & technology
- engineering and technology
- engineering design and analysis
- Engineering Minerals
- engineering science
- engineering sciences
- English
- English and Cultural Studies
- english language & culture
- Entertainment Technology
- Entomology
- entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship in Science
- Entrepreneurship Studies
- Environment
- Environmental
- environmental engineering
- Environmental law
- Environmental protection
- Environmental Remote sensing and Cartography
- environmental science
- environmental sciences
- environmental studies
- Environment and Sustainability
- epidemiology
- equality
- equity
- Ethical Leadership in Youth
- Ethical sourcing
- ethics
- Ethnography
- Ethnomedicine
- ethnopharmacology
- European studies
- evidence impact
- evidence mapping
- evidence synthesis
- evolutionary psychology
- exercise and sports
- Exercise and sports sciences
- Exploration
- Extraction
- faith pathways
- Families
- Families and Households
- family planning
- Famine
- farm equipment
- farmers
- fashion
- fashion design
- fashion technology
- Female Genital Mutilation
- feminist
- fertility
- feul
- fibre materials technology
- fieldwork
- film
- film & media
- film and media
- Film and Television
- filter optics and photonics
- finance
- Finance and Business Economics
- financial access
- financial inclusion
- financial resources
- financial services
- fine arts
- fire safety
- fire safety economy
- fiscal federalism
- fiscal management
- fisheries
- fisheries management
- Fisheries Science
- Fishery Science
- flexible pavements
- flourine derivatives
- Flour Milling
- food
- food aid
- food and nutrition
- Food and Wine
- food composition
- Food Engineering
- food industry
- Food Packaging Technology
- Food policy
- Food Process Engineering
- Food Protectants & Infestation Control
- Food Protection and Safety
- Food Safety & Analytical Quality Control
- Food science
- food security
- Food Technology
- food value chains
- Forced and early marriage
- Forecasting and Policy Analysis
- foreign affairs
- Foreign Policy
- forensic medicine
- Forest
- Forest Ecology
- Forest Products
- forestry
- freedom
- French
- Fruit & Vegetable Technology
- Fuel Sciences
- functional materials and devices
- Functional Materials and Nanoscale Electrochemistry
- funds
- future security
- G20
- Games and Animation
- Gandhian Studies
- gastroenterology
- gastrointestinal surgery
- gender
- Gender-based violence
- gender discrimination
- Gender Equality
- gene-modification
- General Management Marketing
- General studies in education
- genetic basis
- Genetics
- genetics and plant breeding
- Genomics
- geo-economics
- Geo-environmental exposure
- Geo-spatial analysis
- geochemical
- Geochemistry
- Geochronology
- geoeconomics
- geography
- geological
- Geological Oceanography
- geology
- Geomagnetism
- geophysical
- geophysics
- geopolitics
- geosciences
- Geosphere
- geotechnical engineering
- geriatric medicine
- germplasm
- girl child
- Girls’ Education
- Global and international education
- Global Development
- Global Growth and Opportunity
- Global Health
- Global issues
- globalization
- globalization and trade
- Global Policy
- global security
- global voice
- global warming
- glycomics
- governance
- governance & research
- Governance Studies
- government
- government engagement
- grain quality
- Grain Science Technology
- Grass Root Institutions
- grassroots
- Gravity and Magnetics
- green building materials
- green chemistry
- green economy
- Green energy
- Greenhouse
- groundwater
- ground water management
- Growth
- growth and development
- gujrati
- Gynaecology
- habitat
- Haematology
- Head and Neck Cancer
- health
- Health and Healthcare
- health and hospitals
- Health and Medical Sciences
- Health and Wellbeing
- healthcare
- healthcare disparity
- health economics
- Health informatics
- health laws
- health monitoring
- health policy
- health sciences
- health studies
- health systems
- Healthy Development
- Hepatology
- Heritage Science
- Higher education
- HILDA Survey Design
- Himalayas
- hindi
- historical studies
- history
- History and philosophy
- Holistic Maritime Security
- homelessness
- Homeopathic Philosophy
- Home Science
- Homoeopathy
- horses
- horticulture
- Horticulture and landscape management
- hospital administration
- hospitality
- hotel and tourism management
- Hotel Management
- Hotel Management and Catering
- housing affordability
- HR
- Human & Environmental Sciences
- human-centered
- Human behavior
- human capital
- human development
- Humanitarian
- Humanitarian emergencies
- humanitarian emergency
- Humanities
- Humanities & Social Science
- Humanities and Arts
- humanities and social sciences
- Human Pharmacology
- human reproduction
- human resource development (HRD)
- human resource management
- human rights
- human science
- Human Sciences
- human services
- human trafficking
- hunger
- husbandry
- hydraulics
- hydrocarbon engineering
- hydrocarbons
- hydrology
- hygiene
- identity
- Immunity
- immunogenetics
- immunological
- Immunology
- Immunotoxicology
- Impact & Evaluation
- impact evaluation
- impact investing
- inclusion
- inclusion & wellbeing
- inclusive growth
- Income
- Income and Economic Wellbeing
- Indian language
- Indian Ocean
- Indigenous arts and culture
- Indigenous Australia
- Indigenous Australian Peoples
- Indigenous health
- Indigenous Industry
- indigenous science
- indigenous studies
- Indigenous Women’s Entrepreneurship
- Indo-Pacific
- industrial and management engineering
- Industrial and technical consultancy
- Industrial Chemistry
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Hygiene
- industrial pollution
- industrial relations
- industrial relations and workers’ entitlements
- Industrial Waste Water
- industry
- Inequality
- infectious disease
- Infectious diseases
- Informatics
- information
- information and Communication Technology ICT
- information barrier
- information poverty
- information science
- information sciences
- information security
- Information Systems
- information technology
- information technology and engineering
- infrastructure
- infrastructure engineering
- infrastructure funding and financing
- injury
- innovation
- innovative approaches
- inorganic materials and catalysis
- insecticides
- Instructional leadership and management
- Instrumentation & Control
- Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- Instrumentation Engineering
- insurance
- Integrated Innovation
- Integrative Oceanography
- Interdisciplinary & Applied Sciences
- internal security
- International affairs
- international business
- international cooperation
- international markets
- international presence
- international relations
- International Security
- International Strategic
- international studies
- internet governance
- interplanetary missions
- investment
- Investment Climate
- ionospheres
- Islamic and Arabic studies
- Islamic Studies
- IT and Data Science
- IT and Network
- IT security
- Jazz and improvisation
- journalism
- judiciary
- justice
- jute
- labor
- labour
- labour and migration
- labour economics research & development
- labour market
- Labour Markets and Employment
- lac
- Land
- Landscape architecture
- land use
- Language
- Language and linguistics
- language and literature
- languages
- languages and STEM education
- launch vehicle
- Law
- Law and Criminology
- leadership
- Leadership Discourse
- Learning
- Learning intervention
- leasing & asset financing
- Leather
- legal assistance
- legal literacy
- legal studies
- legislation
- lending
- leprocy
- Leprology
- Liberal arts
- liberalization
- Library Science
- library sciences
- library studies
- life sciences
- Light Stock Processing
- linguistics
- Linguistics and International
- Lipid Science
- literacy
- literature
- Livelihood
- livelihoods
- livestock
- loans
- local government
- low-carbon
- Lubricants
- lunar
- Machine Tools
- macro-economic policies
- macro-economic policy
- Macroeconomic Modelling
- macroeconomy
- magnetospheres
- Magnetotellurics
- malaria
- management
- management and commerce
- Management and Information Sciences
- Management Organization
- Management Sciences
- Management Strategy
- management studies
- manufacturing
- manufacturing and material processing
- Marine
- Marine and Coastal Studies
- Marine Archaeology
- Marine BioTechnology
- marine engineering
- Marine Instrumentation
- marine sciences
- Marine Sensors
- Maritime & Naval Technology
- Maritime Affairs
- Maritime Regionalism
- market
- market access
- marketing
- Marketing and logistics
- Marketing Risk
- market research
- mass communication
- Material Resource Efficiency
- materials
- material science
- Materials Research
- Materials Science
- maternal
- maternal health
- Mathematical and Computational Sciences
- mathematical and information science
- Mathematical Sciences
- mathematics
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Meat & Marine Sciences
- meat products
- Mechanical
- Mechanical and Manufacturing
- mechanical and metallurgical sciences
- mechanical engineering
- mechatronics
- media
- media & communication
- media & popular culture
- Media and Communication
- media and communications
- media psychology
- Media Studies
- medical
- medical and health science
- Medical and health sciences
- Medical Mycology
- Medical Nanotechnology
- Medical Oncology
- medical sciences
- medicinal plants
- medicine
- membrane and separation technology
- membrane science and separation technology
- mental health
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- mental health rehabilitation
- Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- metallurgical sciences
- meteorological science
- meteorology
- Micorbiology
- micro-electronics
- micro-entrepreneurship
- Micro-finance
- Microbial Diversity
- Microbial Technology
- microbiology
- Microbiology & Fermentation Technology
- micro machines
- Microwave remote sensing
- midwifery
- migrants
- migration
- military design
- military security
- Military studies
- mineral resources
- minerals
- mines
- mining
- mining and metals
- Mining and Resources
- Mining Engineering
- Mining Technology
- ministry
- Mobility Studies
- modeling
- molecular
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Cloning
- molecular medicine
- Molecular Nutrition
- Molecular toxicology
- money
- morality
- mortality
- movie making
- mules
- multi-disciplinary research
- Multi-functional Materials
- multilaterals
- Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- Music
- Music and Fine Arts
- Music and Home Science
- Musicology and ethnomusicology
- Music performance
- Music theatre
- Mutagenicity studies
- mutual funds
- myopia
- nanomaterials
- Nano Materials
- Nano Science
- nanosciences
- nanotechnology
- National and Regional Impact
- National Education Policy
- national indices
- national security
- natural & environmental resources
- natural disaster management
- natural gums and resins
- natural products
- Natural Resources
- natural resources management
- natural sciences
- Neighbourhood Studies
- Neoatology
- nephrology
- net-zero emissions
- Neuro-radiology
- neurochemistry
- neurology
- neuroscience
- Neuroscience Research
- neurosurgery
- Neuro Surgery
- new drugs and technologies
- New medicines
- non-ferrous metals
- non-government organisation (ngo)
- non-proliferation issues
- North-East India
- north africa
- nuclear energy
- nuclear issues
- nuclear magnetic resonance
- nuclear research
- nursing
- nursing sciences
- Nutraceutical
- nutrition
- Obstetrics
- obstetrics & gynaecology
- occupational health
- Occupational Therapy
- Ocean Acoustics
- Ocean Electronics
- ocean engineering
- ocean exploration
- Oceanic Resources- Living & Non-living
- Ocean Observations
- oceanography
- oceans
- Ocean Structures
- Open Learning
- Operations Management
- ophthalmology
- opthalmology
- optical glass
- optical physics
- optomerty
- Optometry
- Optometry and Vision Science
- Optometry and vision sciences
- oral health
- oral medicine
- Oral Pathology
- organ transplant
- Oriental Languages
- oriental studies
- Orphan Aid
- orthopaedics
- orthopaedic surgery
- otorhinolaryngology
- outreach health services
- Overseas Direct Investment
- packaging and plastic
- paediatrics
- paediatrics surgery
- Paleo-seismology
- Paleomagnetism
- paramedical sciences
- Parasitology
- Participation
- Pastoral care
- pathology
- patriarchy
- peace
- Peace Research
- pediatrics
- people
- people with disabilities
- performing arts
- personality psychology
- pests
- petrochemicals
- petroleum
- pharmaceutical research
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pharmaceutical Science
- pharmaceutical sciences
- Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology
- pharmacognosy
- pharmacology
- Pharmacy
- Phenomenology
- philosophy
- phosphates
- photo-voltaic (PV) solar power
- Photovoltaic
- physical
- physical and earth sciences
- physical education
- Physical Oceanography
- Physical sciences
- physics
- Physics and Astronomy
- physiology
- physiotherapy
- Phytochemistry
- phytopharmaceuticals
- Planetary geology
- planning
- Planning & Architecture
- Planning and Architecture
- Planning Business
- plantation crops
- Plant Biology
- plant Biotechnology
- Plant Cell Biotechnology
- plant disease
- Plant Diversity
- Plant Ecology
- plant omics
- plant physiology
- plant protection
- plants
- plasma
- plastic surgery
- police
- Policing
- policy
- policy & administration
- Policy Analysis Campaigning
- policy and administration
- policy and advocacy
- Policy and governance
- Policy and Social Innovation
- policy and sustainability
- Policy Design
- policy development
- political
- political economy
- political education
- political leadership
- political psychology
- political science
- Political Studies
- politics
- Politics & International Relations
- politics and international relations
- pollutants
- pollution
- poltry
- polytechnic
- ponies
- poor governance
- population
- Population and global health
- population dynamics
- Population health
- Portfolios
- post-harvest engineering & technology
- post-harvest management
- post-harvest technology
- potato
- poverty
- Poverty Alleviation
- power
- Power Systems
- power transmission & distribution systems
- Pregnancy abortion
- pregnancy abortion care
- premature death
- preventative, community & social medicine
- primary industries
- process design and engineering
- Processing and transportation
- Production
- Production & Industrial Engineering
- Production Engineering
- production system
- productivity
- productivity and innovation policy
- Professional Supervision
- project appraisal and management division (PAMD)
- property
- pro poor
- prosthodontics
- Protein Chemistry & Technology
- protracted conflict
- psychiatry
- psycholinguistics
- Psychological sciences
- psychology
- Psychology and Mental Health
- Psychology and wellbeing
- Psychology Education
- public-private partnerships
- Public Administration
- Public Affairs
- Public Economics
- public expenditure
- Public finance
- public health
- Public Interest Litigation
- public interest litigations
- public policy
- Public Policy Finance
- Pulmonary medicine
- pulp and paper technology
- Quality Control
- quantum computing
- Race discrimination
- Radiation Biology
- Radiodiagnosis
- radiology
- radiotherapy
- railway engineering
- raw hides
- real estate
- reforms
- refractory and traditional ceramics
- refugees
- regional conflicts
- regional development
- regulation
- Rehabilitation
- rehabilitation of structures
- relief
- Remote Sensing
- remote sensing & GIS
- renewable
- Renewable Energy Engineering
- renewables development
- reproduction
- reproductive biology
- reproductive health
- Reproductive toxicology
- research
- research and development
- researcher collaboration
- Research in law
- research support
- resource mobilisation
- resources
- Resources Engineering
- Respiratory Allergy
- Respiratory Physiology
- retail & business banking
- revenue
- rheumatology
- rice
- Right against Exploitation
- rights
- Right to Constitutional Remedies
- Right to Environment
- Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Right to Life
- Right to Privacy
- river
- river basin evaluation
- roads
- robiotics research
- robotics
- Robust governance
- rural and urban housing
- rural development
- rural economy
- rural healthcare
- rural management
- Rural Technology
- Rural transformation
- Safe Cities
- safety
- Safety and wellbeing
- salinity
- salt
- salt and marine chemicals
- sanitation
- sanskrit
- satellites
- savings
- School Leadership
- schools
- science
- science & technology
- Science and Engineering
- science and technology
- science education
- sciences
- Scouting
- Sea
- security
- security & strategy
- Security Development
- security studies
- Seismology
- self-determination
- semi-cryogenic engines
- Sensor systems
- serological abnormalities
- services
- sexual and reproductive health
- sexual health
- Sexuality
- shearing
- sheep
- sheep management
- shelter
- shelter solutions
- shipbuilding
- Skill Development
- skills development & employment
- small business
- Smart Agriculture
- smart grids
- smart materials
- smart systems
- smart technology
- social
- Social and political science
- social change and development
- social determinants of health
- social development
- social enterprise
- social exclusion
- social impact
- Social Inequality
- social innovation
- Social Justice
- social justice & empowerment
- Socially Disadvantaged Sections
- social policy
- social sciences
- social sciences and languages
- social service delivery
- social structure
- Social Welfare
- social wellbeing
- social work
- Society
- society and culture
- Society and design
- sociolegal analysis
- Sociology
- Sociology/Anthropology
- Software Development
- Software Engineering
- soil
- soil and water management
- soil science and agronomy
- solar
- solar system
- south africa
- south asia
- space
- space and atmospheric sciences
- Space Engineering and Rocketry
- Space technology
- Spatial information
- Special Education
- Specialist legal study
- specialty glass
- spending
- Spice & Flavour Science
- Spirituality
- Spiritual Studies
- sports
- Sports & Exercise Sciences
- sports science
- stability
- state
- state coordination
- State Engendered Violence
- statistics
- steel
- stem cell research
- STEM education
- stock broking
- Strategic Studies
- strategy
- String Theory
- Strong Leadership
- structural
- structural and architectural engineering
- structural biology
- structural engineering
- Structural geology
- sub-cellular mechanisms
- sugarcane
- sulphites
- superannuation
- Supplier relationships
- supporting low-income families
- surgery
- Surgical Gastroenterology
- sustainability
- sustainability development goals
- sustainable development
- Sustainable Development Goals
- sustainable food
- sustainable supply chains
- sustainable technology
- synthetic biology
- Systematics and Herbarium
- Tamil
- tamil language & culture
- tanning
- taxation
- Teaching
- Teaching and education
- technical designs
- technologies
- technology
- Technology Development
- technology development projects
- Technology Management
- Technology Policy
- telecommunications
- telemedicine
- terrorism
- textile
- textiles
- theatre
- theology
- thermal power
- thermoset resins
- Thoracic Surgery
- Torres Strait Islander people
- tourism
- Tourism Studies
- toxicity studies
- toxicology
- trade
- Trades
- Trades and Apprenticeships
- Trade unions
- Traditional Food & Sensory Science
- traffic planning and environment
- training
- trans-national crime anti-piracy
- Transboundary water resources man
- Translational Research
- transparency
- transplant immunology
- transport
- Tribal Studies
- Tribology and Combustion
- tropical ecology
- tuberculosis
- U.S.A
- Unani Medicine
- Upstream and Wax Rheology
- Urban
- urban affairs
- Urban and cultural heritage
- urban cities
- Urban Climate
- Urban design
- Urban development
- Urban Governance
- Urban Habitat
- urban infrastructure
- urbanisation
- urban issues
- urbanization
- Urban planning
- urban renewal
- urban water
- urology
- user interface design
- vaccines
- Validation
- Value Addition
- vehicle finance
- venereology
- Venerology
- Venomics
- Vessel Management Cell
- veterinary preventive medicine
- Veterinary science
- veterinary sciences
- Virology
- viscose
- vision
- Visual art
- Visual Arts
- Visual Communication
- vocational studies
- volunteering
- waste
- waste management
- water
- water-resilient communities
- water financing
- water leadership
- water management
- water pollution
- water quality
- water resource engineering
- Water Resources
- Water supply
- wealth management
- weather forecasts
- Web management
- welfare
- well-being
- Wellbeing
- west asia
- wildlife
- wind energy
- wind power
- women
- women & child development
- Women's and Children's Health
- women's studies
- women economic empowerment
- women empowerment
- women health
- women leadership
- women rights
- women security
- womens studies
- work
- Work & Environmental Physiology
- Working for justice
- Writing
- yoga
- Young Ambassadors
- youth
- zero waste
- zoo
- zoology
- Academy for Applied Research & Training in Healthcare in India (AARTH-INDIA)
- Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR)
- Adani Power Training & Research Institute (APTRI)
- All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
- Amity University Noida
- Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
- Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
- APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
- ARCH-India
- Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)
- Australia India Institute (AII)
- Australia India Water Centre
- Australian Catholic University
- Australian Council for Educational Research
- Australian National University
- Banaras Hindu University
- Bharathiar University
- Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research
- Birla Institute of Technology & Science
- Bliss Digital
- CABI Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
- Catholic Health Association of India
- Central Drug Research Institute
- Central Food Technological Research Institute
- Central Institute for Cotton Research
- Central Queensland University
- Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute
- Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR)
- Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology, University of New South Wales
- Charles Darwin University
- Charles Sturt University
- Christian Medical College Vellore
- Christ University
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation CSIRO
- Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
- Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – Indian Institute of Petroleum
- CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP)
- CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research.
- CSIR – National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST)
- Curtin University
- Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
- Deakin University
- Development Alternatives, India
- Edith Cowan University
- Federation University of Australia
- FLAME University
- Flinders University
- G. B. Pant University of Agriculture
- George Institute for International Health
- Global Women Association of Science & Entrepreneurship (GWASE)
- Global Young Academy
- Griffith University
- Indian Institute of Science
- Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Bhopal
- Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata
- Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Mohali
- Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Pune
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
- Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
- Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
- Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
- Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
- Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
- Indian Ocean Research Group (IORG)
- Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)
- Indian Research Academy
- Industrial Toxicology Research Institute
- Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
- Institute of Chemical Technology
- Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT)
- International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
- International Growth Centre (IGC)
- International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
- International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore
- International Water Centre
- Jadavpur University
- James Cook University
- Jamia Hamdard
- Jamia Millia Islamia
- Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
- Kerala University
- Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
- La Trobe University
- Macquarie University
- Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd
- Malaviya National Institute of Technology
- Manipal Academy of Higher Education
- Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA)
- Melbourne India Post Graduate Academy
- Monash University
- Monk Prayogshala
- National Botanical Research Institute
- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
- National Institute of Nutrition
- National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)
- National Institute of Technology Durgapur
- National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
- National Institute of Urban Affairs
- National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru
- North Eastern Hill University
- Nossal Institute for Global Health
- O.P. Jindal Global University
- Osmania University
- Panjab University
- Pondicherry University
- Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
- Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)
- Punjab Agricultural University
- Queensland University of Technology
- Rabindra Bharati University
- Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology (RSET)
- RMIT University
- S. R. M. Institute of Science and Technology
- Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology Surat
- Savitribai Phule Pune University
- School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada
- Siksha 'O' Anusandhan
- South Asian University (SAU)
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
- Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education And Research
- SRM Institute of Science and Technology
- St John's Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru
- SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
- Swinburne University of Technology
- Symbiosis International
- Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- Tata Institute of Social Sciences
- The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA)
- The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
- The George Institute for Global Health India
- The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
- The WB National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), Kolkata
- TKM College of Engineering
- United Service Institution (USI)
- University of Adelaide
- University of Delhi
- University of Hyderabad
- University of Jammu
- University of Kashmir
- University of Madras
- University of Melbourne
- University of Newcastle
- University of New England
- University of New South Wales
- University of Queensland
- University of South Australia
- University of Southern Queensland
- University of Sydney
- University of Tasmania
- University of Technology, Sydney
- University of Western Australia
- University of Wollongong
- Vellore Institute of Technology
- Victoria University
- Western Sydney University
- World University of Design